Saturday 27 September 2014

Experiencing Culture in Paris, France - Part 4

Day 4 ( 15 Sept' 14 )

Bonjour! The day with most excitement & happiness. It was Disneyland Day!! Disneyland Paris was the first Disneyland that I ever visited in my lifetime! Next target would be Tokyo Disneyland!

The entrance which obviously show this is studio park!

We reached Disneyland around 10.30 am something by RER train. Disneyland consists of 2 parks: Disneyland Park & Walt Disney Studios Park. We went to Walk Disney Studios Park first as it close earlier than Disneyland Park. Before starting all the games, we went to the souvenier store to get our hair bands first! Everyone chose Minnie's head bands. 

First station was The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror. This first game was the most unexpected game among all the games that I played! For the first game, I didn't really read the explanation of the game and everyone just queued up and waited for our turn. Saw people got in the lifts and I thought it will only going up or down 1 to 2 floors in normal speed for tours or whatever. But after the lift moved and everyone started to shout....the lift stopped, door opened. "Ehhh, how come the lift will come up till here?!".... Door closed, everyone shouted again and now i knew we were going higher!! When the lift drop, my bag almost fly off till i used my knees to hold it back. After this, playing mood came!

Next, we headed to Moteurs Action! It's a live car action show. The show showed the ways and the tricks how a car action movie will be filmed. It's interesting show, those professional technician (drivers) driving skills are just too awesome! It took too long to upload the video so just a photo showing how ''pattern'' they can drive.

Ready? Action. A real action.

After this we watched shows and the stage backdrop was too nice with the props keep changing all throughout the show.

We also met the Disney characters in the park and all the girls were crazy for those cute dolls!

Donald Duck And Minnie in action.

They look cuter personally. Hahha

We started to get hungry and looking for the restaurant to have our late lunch, again. But before that we took the new attraction which just opened in this summer, the Ratatouille ride. We chose single riders as it went faster than normal queue so it saved up our time. Single riders means one will be arranged to the empty seat left for each cab.

We went for lunch before we start all of the rides in both park!
Another milestone achieved by me! I took all the big thrills rides because I am not the type of dare to play extreme rides. I got some tips from friends on how to conquer the fear and i tried. Yes, I made it all! And shouted as much as I can. 

Everyone was so excited to take the rides and I am the only one keep asking: Are you sure? Really? Seriously? Oh My God, its not only 1 or 2 but all. After the first ride we got at the Crush's Coaster, I am totally petrified. Then everyone so happy and ask did you see the stuff inside there and i answered: I was too scared and close my eyes all the way! My body lean forward and getting lower and lower (like hiding when you are scare) till the end of the ride. 

Then here come the tips from them: Why you close you eyes?! You will be more scared because you don't know what will happened next! Then you'll keep worrying and made you more scared. You have to sit straight and open your eyes.
Okay, then i tried what they told me....
Yes, it was a lot better for other rides but still... My hands will grab the handles very tight until like I am going to break it and my palms will be full of sweat when the ride ended. I cannot do the raise hand thing when there is a fall. 

We went to Disneyland Park quite late because every rides had to wait around 30mins. So we decided on which to go for in another park when we were walking to Disneyland Park. We speed up our pace. This park was a lot bigger than the previously one. First thing we wanted to do was taking photo of the Sleeping Beauty Castle!
Once enter the park, I already cannot hold the cuteness of... everywhere!
The Sleeping Beauty Castle at far away! Excited!
Girls dream to sleep in there. But not a sleeping beauty.

A must photo with sleeping beauty castle

The park inside was like a dream... Something that will only appear in cartoon or tv. Everything inside there was too amazing and pretty! That's why its Disneyland. I didn't take much photo in Disneyland Park because we were rushing to every games before the park close. Now I am regretting that not much photo taken from there because I already can't really remember how it looks like as we keep running to our stations.

Again and of course, all the big thrills rides. After all the rides, I found that Big Thunder Mountain was my favorite one and I enjoyed it the most among the big thrills rides. It was most annoying & having the longest route. We went to Phantom Manor also which most of them were scared for horror but I am the one who love horror the most! It's my turn to get them scared off! I am satisfied because I successfully scared them few times even though it was not scary at all (maybe for me). 

Space Mountain was the last ride we took  in Disneyland.

Everything ended around 8pm and we were on our way to the meeting point with everyone. We didn't know that there will be firework shows at the Sleeping Beauty Castle and only found out when we saw thousands of people gathering around the the castle. We went out quite late so only managed to get the empty space at the side of the caste.

It will be much more better if can get front view of the castle because there was animation show on it. Night turned dark and show started at 9pm. The show took around 20 mins and it was amazingly nice with the music played, mist screen, fireworks... All combined into one extravagant show which gave us an unforgettable experience!!

Everyone just got excited with the live show!

Amusing screen playing on the walls.

And it's time to say goodbye to Disneyland and Paris. This was the last day we stayed in Paris.

See you again if there is any chance in the future!

Today.. another sad incident happened again!
I borrowed Evon's slipper as my boots already dead. But when it's time to go back to hotel and before getting on the train, someone stepped on the right slipper while I was going to step into the train. What a great timing! The slipper drop into the gap between the landing and train. The moment it dropped, I am shocked. How now?! Everyone got the same reaction that looked into the gap at the same time and after few seconds of silence, everyone started to laughed. In the end, it became like this:

Got the plastic bag from Ms. Norji, and some unwanted magazine paper left  in the train with the most important MASKING TAPE! Credit to Kaya who will bring masking tape when travelling. The moment I making this bandage, everyone just laughed so hard until stomachache. Luckily it was late enough so the stations don't have too much people. Too awkward. I feel bad for leaving Evon's slipper behind in Paris. But it's the fate. I am even moody after this.

Paris really don't treat me well. Why i got such bad luck here? Sad story made that day's end.

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