Saturday 27 September 2014

Experiencing Culture from Paris, France all the way to London, UK - Part 5 & Part 6

Day 5 ( 16 Sept' 14 )

Hotel check out at 10am. I went down earlier to buy some food from Casino Supermarche to bring back to Malaysia. Bought biscuits, chocolates & cheese. We didn't get to shop in Paris so I brought everything from Casino. Then headed to Gare Du Nord to take Eurostar to London. 

It took roughly 2.5 hours for 495km from Paris to London by Eurostar. It is a high-speed passenger train from London - Paris & Brussels or vice versa via the Channel Tunnel. It will travel up to 186 mph. You can't really feel the moves of the train and not shaking at all, it was very comfortable.

Saying hi to London soon!

Inside the train also provided the cafe-bar services! Which 1 of the coach will be the cafe-bar and inside provided a pantry and few standing tables. Set meals & drinks provided. Can be pay either in Euros / Pounds. I ordered a cup of hot chocolate to drink along with my breakie. Actually it's not easy walk while the train was moving and you had to hold handrail along the wall of the train. 

Example picture taken from internet but it look 90% same as the one we took.

My breakfast in the trian.

Great experience as I never seen the cafe in a train before! After eating, I slept all the way till we reached London. 

Reaching London!

We took the tube to the nearest station (Russel Square) to check in at our hostel immediately. I like the Generator Hostel that we stayed so much! Love the idea of how a hostel should be and the urban chic interior design (implementation of reclaimed timbers, exposed brick walls, and hot roll black steels) was nice too. It is a hostel which more than a hostel. Furthermore, each level is having different theme and our level is Mary Poppin themed!

Warming welcome from reception

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Bar area


Dining area
Entrance of  socializing area.

"Chat Here" A space for everyone to watch tv, online, chatting, playing board games, resting...

There is also a club  located at ground floor for night activities.

I got arranged to stay with juniors and because of that, I interacted more with juniors and its so much fun to mix around with juniors. Previously i won't chat more with them *I am not the initiative type of people, but after this we got closer. Appreciate the time spent with them all!

After resting for some time, we headed out to Lyceum Theater to watch The Lion King show. This was the best stage performance that i'd ever seen! All the performers sing so well and I totally got mused by the stage design! I noticed there were 3 layer of backstage to make the backdrop keep changing! Everything was just too amazing! I felt so grateful that i got the chance to watch it but I am just too tired and eyelids were too heavy in the after half of the show! Mind already not working but still keep watching until the end of the show. But I took some rest during the break time, which lecturer thought that I slept during the show. No, I don't. I just closed my eyes and rest my mind during break time. I don't want to waste the money that I pay for sleeping inside. And the show worth the penny that I paid for! 
People getting more and more outside the theater when the showtime getting closser.
I had no idea how nice the show would be before it started!
When we got out from  the theater, it's already dark outside and the weather turned so cold! I didn't bring any long jacket with me because it wasn't cold in the day and my clothes was not thick enough to cover the cold wind. I didn't know that it will be so cold in the night. So just endure the coldness till we got back to our hostel. 

Last but not least, the hostel design was nice but I don't like their room planning! 2 double decker in a small room with only 1m width walkway in the middle. It was too pack and you have to let another person go first before you wan to open the desk or pass by. One more thing for the bathroom design, hating the floor trap which located in the middle of the walkway. So when you done your bath, and the shampoo or body bath (those bubble water) from another bathroom will run through your foot. No matter how many time I wash my foot, it got those bubbles thing again. Annoyed! 

And here's a shoutout for London! I love you more than Paris! I like the environment here with clean and peace surrounding. *If compared to Paris. The stink smell of metro station and how bad of some people there. Or most probably I can understand everything here? All in English. The lifestyle here look more relax than Paris also!

Day 6 ( 17 Sept' 14)

Breakfast served before we went for Science Museum.
Same breakfast for 4 days continuously served by Generator Hostel.

The church right opposite the Science Museum and there is no clue shows that this is a church!

                                                                                          Science Museum will give you more than what you expected!

We spent around 3 hours inside the museum and it is free admission! I like how London provide free admission for visitors to go most of the museum, they only ask for donation by voluntary. However, some of the temporary exhibition may require admission fee.

Transportation back in time.
The spinning LED words.
Guess what is this!! It's a clock. Rely on gravity, earth rotation, latitude & longitude. Amazing right!

Hands on fun which actually is for kids.
The me that made up of thousands of small pieces.
Keep playing and challenge with each others!
We had so much fun inside, all the exhibitions were interesting especially the interactive zone. There was a lot of test to know ourselves or know about science more! Almost tried out every game in there and I tried the Escape Game also, the guides will explained about the game and you will start the game by using the computers provided there. In the end I failed to got out the building because I picked all the unnecessary coins on the floor! Die. So when there is any emergency accident happened, DO NOT listen to any instruction given and most importantly you have to escape! 

When we done visiting, it was already late noon and the time to visit other case study was limited so plan changed to shopping time at Piccaddily Circus. YAY, good news for me because I am still wearing the slippers that  I borrowed from Wei Wen. I got my new pair of shoes from Lilywhites and some of them bought shoes also because its so cheap the sports wear sold in Lilywhites. We took our late lunch at Piccadilly also.

Piccadilly Circus

Statue of Anteros

Day 6 lunch and also the first Fish and Chips i tried at London. Yummms!

Newspaper wrap!!

The image I got for London (other than those significant red telephone booth, red double decker buses & red mail box) is.... 1.  Tesco Express     2.  Costa     3.  Dogs     4.  Fashion 

Everything was sell so cheap from Tesco Express! 

Costa can be seen anywhere you go, so I spent some time to enjoy hot chocolate from tiring walk.

European seems like doggy so much! They bring doggies everywhere and I am surprised that animals are allowed to get on public transport!! It's not only in London but same to Paris. I can see those cute souls from tubes, undergrounds, buses, streets (not residential but town)!

The owner stop to let me take a shot but it was blur so I took again with this clear butt shot. Doggy's butt!

The owner told me she is very friendly and let me pet her! She wagged her tail, means she like me lah? Giggled happily after that. Heh

Suddenly saw them coming down from upper deck of the bus, so obedient!
Doggy appears in town street. I wished Malaysia can do something like this..
I chased after this owner so hard to take this photo! Why he walked so fast..
Fashion!! My heart was screaming so hard when seeing how people dresses so nice on the street. Their sense of fashion are something that you can see from magazine. And the day we reached London was the last day of Fashion week. I saw models standing at the roadside to give out magazines when we passed by. I was stunned! Never see people wear so nice in my lifetime until now. Hahh!

People that coming out from magazine.
Too happy to get this shot. Simply hole my camera on hand and simply pressed the shutter because too scared they found out I am shooting them!

And of course those Branded shop all around the streets!  It was so usual for them but it was like heaven to us (some)! My thought most of the time: Only if I got money...

Okay, work hard!

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