Saturday 27 September 2014

Experiencing Culture in Paris, France - Part 3

Day 3 ( 13 Sept' 14 )

Bonjour. Today everyone woke up earlier and will be taking RER to Poissy, a quiet town that out of Paris Center. It's a Double Decker Train, first try.
Have you ever seen this?!

One of the experience if all of the metros/ trains there did not use any air conditioner in the train (maybe due to the seasonal period), they got openings on top for ventilation and the cold air that came into the train was limited. So most of the rides were heat which is so inconvenience for us keep take off and put on the coat every time get on / off the metros / trains. 

Loving the natural cold air outside.

We were going to Villa Savoye by Charles-Edouard Jeanneret aka Le Coubusier. A must visit for architecture students  to study the manifesto of Le Coubusier's "five point" of new architecture which had contributed as a leading architectural idea in architecture field now:


Entering. Entering.. I am going to enter nowwww

Exterior view

1. Stilts
2. Roof gardens
3. Open-plan
4. Free-floating facade
5. Horizontal window

First roof garden by Le Coubusier.

The open planning...with nice view!

Found it weird got a basin stand there lonely.. why?

Spiral staircase

The ramp with spiral staircase

I like how the implementation of natural lighting throughout the spaces which created the harmonious of a villa. Others than that, the aesthetic and function of Villa Savoye blends well and the layout was clean and simple.

Found the feel of sitting on ground but not in Malaysia.

Next, took our day 3 late lunch at Poissy also. 

Cordon Bleu Kebab and tried out the drinks that cannot be found in Malaysia.

Previously did not manage to experience outdoor dining, so some if us asked for took away and having the meal outside the shop. In the middle of that, I attracted quite a lot of pigeons came because i fed few at first but at last more and more coming around us. 

Once the meal done, we headed to city center and it was time for sem 5 own precedent / case study visiting. We discussed the sequence and planned the routes to our destination. Then, few of us made a small small group and went to visit Yassamin's Perfume Museum. Reaching the nearest metropolitan. Every time i got out from the station, the scene surrounding always mused me.

Outside of metropolitan

*Sad incident happened here: My boots starting to ripping off!! And used masking tape to tied up them then walked around the town with that 2 strips of masking tape. Mood spoiled.

In the Fragonard Perfume Museum, a pretty lady guided us and explained for us throughout the whole journey. It took around 1 hour and after that we headed to Notre Dame which we missed out the day before. 
The queue was too long to wait to go inside and I am sad that we did not have much time to queue up and i believe inside the Notre Dame would be amazingly stunning! 

There was just too many people outside the Notre Dame.

Meet it in person is so unbelievable!

Its a historic religious cathedral and was the first building to use flying buttress. Many small crafted statues which are gargoyles placed around outside served as water spout and the South Rose Window was gift from King Saint Louis. 

Love Lock Bridge which located beside Notre Dame, so many couples huh?!

Follow up with Kaya's destination, i am surprised with how nice and fashion the people there (like the people can be seen from the movies with hipster costume). Did not capture any pictures of them because we just walk quickly to get through them as they are queuing to get into the clubs and somehow they look quite scary like gangster. Loving the view of the river bank from the building! And the clubs music banging around. At least there was some music and nice view to enjoy because we couldn't get in the comic art centre. 

Then we proceed to the precedent study that I chose to visit, which was the Palais de Tokyo.  We met some problem of couldn't find the way to the station that we wanted to go then get some help from a local old lady, but she only speak French and she just pointed on our map and somewhere far away which I really don't understand what she mean. Luckily there was a Philippine family standing not far away from us who can speak English and helped us out. The old lady was the first person I met in Paris who don't speak English. So I am thinking that most probably new generation can speak English while the senior citizen only speak French because before the trip i thought that all of the Parisian do not speak English but only French. Surprisingly it totally turned out in another way. 

Unfortunately when we reached there, it was close also. Checked on their operation hours and it suppose to be open but it was close without any notice. Felt so bad luck for the whole day! 
Why so quiet?!

 Closed! Closed!!
Closed also!

Then here come the story telling time!! Funny moment of us! 
When we reached Palais de Tokyo, the day already dark. The surrounding was dark also with only few lighting. Furthermore the surrounding was just too quiet with so little people and only a restaurant operate outside the museum. I am frightened by a homeless guy sleeping in a dark corner outside the museum, i didn't notice there was anyone there and he just got up and I almost got heart attack! He even peed on the pillar and we had to detour the route.When we went to front entrance to check on the operation hours,  few guys from far used a laser light pointed us. But actually i did not noticed that but others started to alert and panic and whispering don't look back to those guys and keep calm. Then we start to moved together to avoid them as they were coming toward our directon. We didn't know where to go so just walked to roadside but there was no cars around and luckily saw few people passed by then we followed at the back of them. Phew, okay then we saw them walked to the alley in between the museum (the way to the restaurant and backside of the museums). Finally, everyone relieved. 

After awhile, we went back to the way where we came which is the back side of museums. We went through the alley and passed through the restaurant and getting ready to go down the staircase, i saw same gang of the guys came up the staircase! Elyn walked at the most front and almost approach them but she didn't notice at all. I shouted her name and ask her turned back to us then we all ran up the staircase and ran away. After this we all laughed so hard because it was obviously we were avoiding them and ran away from them and I am sure they knew also. We didn't know they got any bad intense or just played around with their lasers, but the dark surrounding really made us more cautious and careful with the people surrounding. Then we just change our route walk a big round back to our original route to go back to hotel. 

I noticed there was a lot of homeless guys sleeping everywhere in the night. Corridors, metro stations, public seating, etc... This might be a normal scene in Paris because i saw when police patrolling around, they won't chase them away but only approach them talking about something (greeting or warning?). Then police will just left those homeless guys. Police in Paris are too kind.

So we just went back and enjoy our night by chit-chatting with some delicious fruits, that i always wanted to try. I bought them early in the morning before we headed out from the roadside market near out hotel. They cost too cheap!

Tadaaaa! Fruit party. The grapes are the best! Overly sweet!!

AU REVOIR! End of Day 3. 

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