Saturday 27 September 2014

Experiencing Culture in Paris, France - Part 2

Day 2 ( 12 Sept' 14 )

Woke up in cold morning and gathered to search for breakfast. But at last we got our breakfast from a Casino Supermarche (Supermarket) which located just near to our hotel. The first thing attracted me was the fruits that can be seen easily right I enter the store, they looked too fresh and pretty (yummy)! 

Just want to show how fresh they are!
They seem to be just freshly harvest!
Saw these special tomatoes. Pumpkin tomatoes?
I also noticed that the fruits and vegetables in Europe are all super fresh and selling in cheaper price, thinking of that they are all locally produced and that's why. This is just so different from Malaysia as our country mostly got the imported from overseas. 

So after walked few rounds, decided to get these as breakfast and they tasted really nice! Especially the buttery smell for the buns.

Something different from Europe and Malaysia is most of the supermarket provide the self paying services! First time ever to use it and all the instruction in French, don't really know how to use it and got the help from the worker there. Interesting!

Didn't know hot to use it at first because instructions were French.. Seek HELPPP
Done grocery shopping and headed to our next destination by metro. It's the day meet Mona Lisa in person! And again something bad happened, the money of one us got cheated by a stranger when we wanted to buy metro passes. Immediately got the thought of: Such a pretty nice city but having such dangerous people like uneducated. Why don't they appreciate? Dramatic story continues... Got the instruction to get down at Palais Royal station so we did but found out others got down from another station without our knowing as we got in different cabin. Lesson learned, whole group should get in same cabin no matter what. Fine, so some of us reached Musee de Louvre earlier and we just walked around the Musee de Louvre and took pictures. 
I am amazed by this view after got out from the metro station.
The morning still early and quiet.
The lamp post, earth ground, the architecture.. This is why it called Paris, not Malaysia.
Along the way, unexpectedly got the request from foreign visitors to play a game with them. They got the mission of asking tourist to wipe the cream on their face. Felt sorry but still I requested for more cream! Too bad no photo taken with them after the game! So we went on....

Passign through Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel
Heading to the Glass Pyramid
Turn back and look around.. Okay capture it. 
Meeting this gorgeous louvre pyramid.

Tingling happiness to see the gorgeous glass pyramid and wefie cannot fit so just show our pretty face. 
Us the lost lamb.

Simply requested any pass-byer to take a photo for us, luckily the people kind enough to wait us finish talked and posed. The louvre is one of the central landmark of Paris and Louvre Museum is one of the world's largest museums & a historic monuments! Grateful that I'd been here. After everyone gathered, we got the tickets and went in to look around. 

I totally did not noticed there is actually a lift at the center of the spiral staircase until it moves and wahhh, smart the designer. But it's for disable people and senior citizens.

Combination of staircase and lift.

One thing that really annoyed me is I cannot hold the heat inside! There was no aircond, no ventilation, sunlight passed though the glass pyramid and so much visitors inside.. Seriously? Same like how the metro in Paris, no ac provided, when the metro stopped, you can feel the heat is so... making people sweat. Back to topic...

Looking for Mona Lisa's smile...
Why you so small and why so crowded? Cannot selfie.
This art piece is really hugeeee. Very huge! Hello all, do yo understand it? Why so serious?

And the Baroque style ceilings inside the museum are too pretty, wondering how people made such a nice works on the ceiling before all these current technology thing! 
Sculpture ceiling.
The second meal in Paris: Cheese Quiche & Chocolate Tart
Not bad the taste but i like ham quiche more!

After all, everyone walked to next RnD case study which is the Pompidou Centre.
A building that look so different with normal building. As you can see all the services and transportation were exposed outside!
Best place to see the view in town i think? High enough and with those transparent shields allow the clear glance!
Pompidou Centre: In the style of high-tech architecture with all the exposed skeleton of brightly coloured tubes and services no matter inside or outside of the building. It is also the largest museum for modern art in Europe. But seriously I don't understand their so called 'art' is what. Totally catch no ball so we made lots of fun by guessing the possible meaning of the artworks. Insane thinking and crazy ideas from us! A place which gave laughter for us (maybe only me).

But before reaching, along the way, i noticed that most (maybe all) restaurant / cafe in Paris having the outdoor seating and the chairs are all facing out to the streets instead of making people sitting face to face. I also wished to try out but no chance to try how it feels to enjoy the drinks/ meals like that. Perhaps in the future.

A lot of restaurants provide outdoor seating.
After done visiting it's already quite late and others planned to go back and rest but for some of us the lost lamb felt that we visited too little place today & do not want to lost the chance to see more in Paris so decided to go to see the Eiffel Tower in the night so we can have extra time for our case study visiting the next day. Then we got separated from the big group and headed to see Eiffel Tower. Even though our foot already too pain but still bite the bullet to get a glimpse of the tower!
Bought a chicken sandwich while we aere otw to Eiffel Tower. It's nice smell can be smell from far!

Hi again the night beauty adorned with its golden covering! I say this is the color of Romance!!
But this time added with some sparkling lighting effect which will remain 5 mins for every hour on the hour.

The only wefie with eiffel which cannot fit also! Realized how useful the selfie stick is but none of us having it.
AND HERE IS THE EXTRA ONE WE GOT BEFORE WE END OUR DAY (18+)! European are just too open minded and 'brave'. I thought he got into water before this and he even turned around and say hi with his naked body. This was the best distance i could ever take after tried so hard to capture it. **shy** And hehhh, we shouted: NOOOoooo when he was putting on his clothes. OMG is the only thing I can explain about this.
You're welcome! Heh.
The night turning colder so we went back and its already midnight. And AU REVOIR! End of Day 2. 

Day 2's thought: Started to know the level of "openess" of European. Others than that case ^, I can see a lot of sweet couples are so in loved with each other.. keep "muacking". This one muack that one also muack. Their level of love...Don't know how to say... Really look like they will be forever together, the one true love. This made up my mind, I need to marry an English guy! Romantic and sweet enough, loveable Hahahh! But I think this was just their culture, even playboy or playgirl also act like that. Because of this culture... old couples there also will kiss each other constantly which in Malaysia can't really see this kind of scene. It is so cute and sweet! Love is popping in the air.. *smirk

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