Sunday 28 September 2014

Experiencing Culture in London, UK & Back to Malaysia - Part 9 & Part 10

Day 9 ( 20 Sept' 14 )

Check out day and we left our luggage in the storage of our hostel. Personally felt that today was the most meaningful day in London because got to go to the Portobello Market. Market is the most easiet way to approach the local culture! Others than that, you can see a lot of different things or local food which you can't really find from Malaysia! Hmmm, should be totally cannot find.

 Local pickled foods & dairy

And something not forget to mention: DAIRIES! We can always see those in tv like the host always mentioned how nice how tasty it was and plenty of choices. Yes, of course you can find it in supermarket but all were packaged or imported which don't really attract me. I got few seconds of I AM IN THE HAVEN!! thought. And oh I saw the cheese that Tom always used to tempted Jerry! (Emmental Cheese perhaps?) That is the thing that came in my mind. Hehh! Those cheese wheels & cheese blocks sold were all super fresh. I am not really a crazy cheese lover but those do attracted me because how can I see these in Malaysia? Yeah sadly only from tv... By the way, even it was almost 2 months passed, I cannot forget how nice the Europe pastries and buns were.. the buttery smell and taste.. Gosh. Give my 20 fingers & toes up for their dairies!

 Local vegetables that are so so so so fresh,image it when you receive a bouquet of flowers.... 

 Local fruits that tempted me badly throughout the whole trip!

Paella  dish which I am not used to the "uncooked rice" texture.
Close up look with different types of seafood and peas in it.

Local patisseries that coming out from tv.

Others than eatable food, old music plates, clothes, a lot of antique stuffs which were found in few decades or very long time ago were sold there also. But photo taking was not allowed for those antique stuff. Portobello a real eye-opener.
Street performances can be seen all the way down the street.
And somehow I got pissed off by the sincerity of *some* human. When a people look nice or friendly doesn't mean it all, you will never know what is their intention behind and what they actually think about you. One of the lesson from this trip! Back to topic: One of the example (case) is, some of us bought some really cheap chocolates from a stall, we did not think too much about that at first but later I wondered how can they sell so cheap, so I checked on expiry date and okay... expired! But that doesn't matter actually because is was understandable that was the reason they sell it so cheap, seriously we cannot ask something much with such a low price. So the problem is when we went back and return the chocolates, we told the lady owner and she acted like: Oh really?! Ok, take back your money then. Right after few seconds, all the chocolate we returned she arranged it back to the rack again. I said at least she can explain about it instead of making me feel like I got cheated. Why have to act like she didn't know but actually she knew it. It was totally understandable people selling expired thing in cheap price which actually still can eatable but just finish it faster. HONESTY is the most important attitude that a business people should have. But somehow I found it was funny also because of the acting skill and feel bad for the next person who would felt cheated after they found out the truth.

YES. Abbey Road our next destination! Once you heard "Abbey Road" sure will think about the Beatles! We were tracking their trails!

100% excitement for this first Abbey Road plate I saw before 15% was cut down each time I saw the same road plate all the way down the street.

Looking for the Beatles' crossing! *which took us for quite some time.

Abbey Road Studio found and excitement back to 100%

Left an autograph on the wall outside the studio! 

Found the crossing after a long walk & passing few intersections... Here it is! There was a lot of complicated feelings in me when I reached there. I can't imagine I am there and the crosswalk is right in front of me, and 45 years ago.. The Beatles were here and now they already walk into history. 

Don't think they ever thought this road cross will be so famous in one day! Hahh!
Spend around an hour there because the road was busy and have to wait until no car coming then can only ran to the middle of the road and pose. There was a lot of tourist there and now I know why the man before this told that walk until you see a lot of people taking photo there. Really, a lot of people taking photo there!




We went to Oxford Circus after this to grab some goodies before leaving London & flying back to Malaysia.

We met back in the hostel at 7 pm then went to take the midnight bus back to Paris for almost 10 hours ride. It sounds horrible for such a long ride but no worries, sleep all the way was the solution. Got on the bus with complicated feeling... It ends. Everything ended here. Forced myself keep the eyes open before the bus leaving the town even though the heavy eyelids were so naughty. Don't even have the energy to surf as the bus was WiFi available! I just wanted to appreciate the last few minutes there because I don't know when I will be back again or if I got any chances back to this beautiful land again. Then the emotional feeling flooded my eyes and okay time to sleep. See you London.

After reaching Paris, settled in the station for some times then we just kept walking and walking to take metro to airport and get ready for the almost 24 hours flight-transit-flight journey.

It was quite rush actually after reaching airport and I am sad that I don't really have enough time to walk around in the airport but gladly managed to buy some tax free Laduree Macaron from Paris airport because that was one of my must try target. They were very expensive but at least let me try once! Close the eyes and buy. Heh, they are the originals, locally from France (that's all the reason it is a MUST try)! When the chance come, grab it!

They really taste too good!!

Again... flying from day to night. Sitting there for hours.

This is how my seat screen looked all the time. I prefer sky more than all those drama or movie things. Adds on the music-best companion.

Hello, landed safe and sound. *Sighhh

And this was what I got after I took off my shoe when i reached home. Shocked me out!! I think that would be most probably because of the long hours flight made the blood circulation bad and they  got swollen like elephant legs!! And the bruise underneath my toenail, shoe problem or walk too much? Up till now, November already, still sitting there nicely, came with the artsy blood clotting pattern some more. Free nail art.

Greeting from elephant *Back to human again the next day.

Unpacking time!

Here is the end of the trip experiences and I appreciate that I got a chance to have this Eurotrip with classmates and friends during uni life! Last but not least, thanks to our lecturers who planned and prepared so much for us! 

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